Reverse Convertible — Bei einer Aktienanleihe (auch Aktienandienungsanleihe,engl. Reverse Convertible Bond oder Equity Linked Bond) handelt es sich um eine Anleihe mit einem über dem Marktzins liegenden Kupon. Das wichtigste Ausstattungsmerkmal dieses Produktes ist,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Reverse convertible securities — Reverse convertible security or reverse convertible is a short term note linked to an underlying stock. The security offers steady stream of income due to the payment of a high coupon rate. At maturity, the investor will receive either 100% of… … Wikipedia
Reverse Convertible Bond - RCB — A bond that can be converted to cash, debt or equity at the discretion of the issuer at a set date. The bond contains an embedded derivative that allows the issuer to put the bond to bondholders at a set date prior to the bond s maturity for… … Investment dictionary
Reverse Convertible Note - RCN — A synthetic instrument that shares characteristics with both bonds and stocks. A reverse convertible note (RCN) typically provides high coupon payments and final payoffs that depend on the performance of an underlying stock. RCNs have a face… … Investment dictionary
Reverse Convertible Bond — ⇡ Aktienanleihe … Lexikon der Economics
Convertible bond — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Convertible security — A convertible security is a security that can be converted into another security. Most convertible securities are bonds or preferred stocks that pay regular quarterly interest and can be converted into shares of common stock if the stock price… … Wikipedia
Bond (finance) — In finance, a bond is a debt security, in which the authorized issuer owes the holders a debt and, depending on the terms of the bond, is obliged to pay interest (the coupon) to use and/or to repay the principal at a later date, termed maturity.… … Wikipedia
Discount Zertifikat — Bei einem Discountzertifikat (häufig auch Discounter genannt) ein Begriff aus dem Wertpapierbereich handelt es sich um eine in einem Zertifikat verbriefte Terminkonstruktion, bei der eine Kauf Option verkauft wird, die durch einen Basiswert… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Debenture — For debentures in sport, see debenture (sport). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia