sharpe ratio

sharpe ratio
  Misura la ricompensa per aver preso dei rischi dove il rischio è misurato in temini di volatilità.

Glossario di economia e finanza. 2011.

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  • Sharpe ratio — The Sharpe ratio or Sharpe index or Sharpe measure or reward to variability ratio is a measure of the excess return (or risk premium) per unit of deviation in an investment asset or a trading strategy, typically referred to as risk (and is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Sharpe Ratio — Die Sharpe Ratio, auch Reward to Variability Ratio genannt, ist eine Kennzahl und betrachtet die Überrendite einer Geldanlage in Abhängigkeit vom Risiko zu einer Benchmark (risikofreier Zinssatz). Namensgeber ist William F. Sharpe. Mit der Sharpe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sharpe-Ratio — Die Sharpe Ratio, auch Reward to Variability Ratio genannt, ist eine Kennzahl und betrachtet die Überrendite, also die Rendite einer Geldanlage, soweit sie den risikofreien Zinssatz übersteigt, in Abhängigkeit vom Risiko. Namensgeber ist William… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sharpe ratio — El Ratio de Sharpe es una medida del exceso de rendimiento por unidad de riesgo de una inversión. La cantidad se define como: , donde R es el rendimiento de la inversión en cuestión; Rf es el rendimiento de una inversión de referencia, como por… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sharpe Ratio — A ratio developed by Nobel laureate William F. Sharpe to measure risk adjusted performance. The Sharpe ratio is calculated by subtracting the risk free rate such as that of the 10 year U.S. Treasury bond from the rate of return for a portfolio… …   Investment dictionary

  • Sharpe ratio — A measure of a portfolio s excess return relative to the total variability of the portfolio. Related: treynor index A ratio of reward to variability developed by William F. Sharpe to measure the performance of mutual funds without regard to their …   Financial and business terms

  • Sharpe ratio — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Modified Sharpe Ratio — A ratio used to calculate the risk adjusted performance of an asset or a business strategy. The modified Sharpe ratio is a version of the original Sharpe ratio amended to include skewed/abnormal data. It is calculated by dividing the excess… …   Investment dictionary

  • Sharpe (surname) — Sharpe is a surname, and may refer to:Fictional characters: * Miriam Sharpe, a fictional character, in the Marvel Comics universe * Richard Sharpe (fictional character), fictional central character in the novel and television series Sharpe People …   Wikipedia

  • Sharpe — ist: Sharpe, Originaltitel der Fernsehserie Die Scharfschützen Sharpe ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Claire Sharpe (* um 1955), kanadische Badmintonspielerin Cornelia Sharpe (* 1947), US amerikanische Schauspielerin D. Sharpe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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