take profit

take profit
  prendere profitto
  Vendere e realizzare il capital gain. E' un indicazione tipica quando si ritiene che il corso di un titolo non possa ulteriormente apprezzarsi o comunque si voglia uscire dal mercato.

Glossario di economia e finanza. 2011.

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  • take — vb took, tak·en, tak·ing vt 1 a: to obtain control, custody, or possession of often by assertive or intentional means b: to seize or interfere with the use of (property) by governmental authority; specif: to acquire title to for public use by… …   Law dictionary

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  • profit — prof·it n 1: gain in excess of expenditures: as a: the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost b: net income from a business, investment, or capital appreciation compare earnings, loss …   Law dictionary

  • take — [tāk] vt. took, taken, taking [ME taken < OE tacan < ON taka < ? IE base * dēg , to lay hold of] I to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, etc. 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize 2. to trap, snare …   English World dictionary

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  • profit а prendre — n. French Profit to take. The right to take minerals, soil, trees, animals, or the like from the land of another. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …   Law dictionary

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