underlying future contract
- underlying future contract
contratto future sottostante
Contratto future il quale svolge le funzioni di strumento sottostante per contratti di option, ad es. presso il Chicago Board of Trade sono disponibili contratti di opzione su future sui titoli del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti.
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underlying futures contract — The specific futures contract that is bought or sold by exercising an option. Chicago Board of Trade glossary The futures contract covered by an option; for example, a 300 Dec. corn call s underlying futures contract is the December corn futures… … Financial and business terms
underlying — or underlier An option or a future is a right or a commitment to buy or sell something at a future date. The underlying is the financial instrument that may or must be bought or sold in each option or futures contract. FAS 133, as amended by FAS… … Financial and business terms
CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
contratto future sottostante — Eng. underlying future contract Contratto future che svolge la funzione di strumento sottostante per i contratti di optino. Ad es. al Chicago Board of Trade sono a disposizione contratti di opzione su future sui titoli del Tesoro degli Stati… … Glossario di economia e finanza
Contract for difference — In finance, a contract for difference (or CFD) is a contract between two parties, typically described as buyer and seller , stipulating that the buyer will pay to the seller the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at… … Wikipedia
contract — contractee, n. contractible, adj. contractibility, contractibleness, n. contractibly, adv. n., adj., and usu. for v. 16 18, 22, 23 /kon trakt/; otherwise v. /keuhn trakt /, n. 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing … Universalium
contract size — The eligible size of a commodity that can be traded by the futures contract. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary The amount of the underlying asset which one futures contract represents, e.g. the contract size for a copper contract is 25 tonnes … Financial and business terms
Underlying — The something that the parties agree to exchange in a derivative contract. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * underlying un‧der‧ly‧ing [ˌʌndəˈlaɪ ɪŋ◂ ǁ ər ] adjective 1. underlying figure/rate ECONOMICS a rate or figure that shows the… … Financial and business terms
Underlying Asset — A term used in derivatives trading, such as with options. A derivative is a financial instrument whose price is based (derived) from a different asset. The underlying asset is the financial instrument (e.g., stock, futures, commodity, currency,… … Investment dictionary
contract specification — The legal document produced by the relevant exchange that sets out the details of a future or options contract, e.g. trading times, delivery procedures, quantities of underlying per one contract etc. The use of contract specifications leads to… … Financial and business terms