- forward exchange rate
- cambio a termineRapporto di cambio di due valute per consegna differita nel tempo. Il cambio a termine viene calcolato in base al differenziale tra i tassi di interesse nelle due valute.
Glossario di economia e finanza. 2011.
Glossario di economia e finanza. 2011.
Forward exchange rate — Exchange rate fixed today for exchanging currency at some future date. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * forward exchange rate forward exchange rate ➔ exchange rate * * * forward exchange rate UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a price that is… … Financial and business terms
forward exchange rate — exchange rate fixed today for exchanging currency at some future date. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * forward exchange rate forward exchange rate ➔ exchange rate * * * forward exchange rate UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a price that is fixed now … Financial and business terms
forward (exchange) rate — /ˌfɔ:wəd ɪks tʃeɪndʒ reɪt/ noun a rate for purchase of foreign currency at a fixed price for delivery at a later date ● What are the forward rates for the pound? … Marketing dictionary in english
Exchange rate — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… … Wikipedia
Exchange rate — The price of one country s currency expressed in another country s currency. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * exchange rate exˈchange rate noun [countable] FINANCE the price at which one currency can be bought with another: • If the… … Financial and business terms
exchange rate — The price of one country s currency expressed in another country s currency. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * exchange rate exˈchange rate noun [countable] FINANCE the price at which one currency can be bought with another: • If the yen… … Financial and business terms
Forward exchange market — The forward exchange market is a market for contracts that ensure the future delivery of a foreign currency at a specified exchange rate. The price of a forward contract is known as the forward rate.Forward RatesForward rates are usually… … Wikipedia
forward-exchange contract — An agreement to purchase foreign exchange at a specified date in the future at an agreed exchange rate. In international trade, with floating rates of exchange, the forward exchange market provides an important way of eliminating risk on future… … Big dictionary of business and management
forward exchange — A type of foreign exchange transaction whereby a contract is made to exchange one currency for another at a fixed date in the future at a specified exchange rate. By buying or selling forward exchange, business protect themselves against a… … Financial and business terms
forward foreign exchange rate — The exchange rate available today to exchange currency at some specified date in the future. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms