greenshoe option

greenshoe option
  Etimologicamente significa " scarpa verde ", poiché così si chiamava la prima società a utilizzarla a Wall Street. E' chiamata altresì " opzione di sovrallocazione " od in inglese " opzione di overallotment ". La greenshoe option consiste in una riserva di azioni che una società tiene da parte quando si quota in Borsa. Se al momento della quotazione in borsa non ci sono abbastanza azioni per accontentare tutte le richieste, il prezzo del titolo rischia di subire grandi scossoni. La società mette allora in vendita le azioni della greenshoe, stabilizzando il titolo. La dimensione della greenshoe non supera di solito il 10% del valore del totale delle azioni. E' esercitabile entro un periodo di tempo determinato dopo l'inizio delle negoziazioni e consente quindi di effettuare azioni di stabilizzazione sul corso del titolo.

Glossario di economia e finanza. 2011.

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  • Greenshoe option — Option that allows the underwriter for a new issue to buy and resell additional shares. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * *    A provision in the underwriting agreement for a share issue that allows the sale of additional shares to the… …   Financial and business terms

  • greenshoe option — option that allows the underwriter for a new issue to buy and resell additional shares. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * *    A provision in the underwriting agreement for a share issue that allows the sale of additional shares to the public if …   Financial and business terms

  • Greenshoe Option — A provision contained in an underwriting agreement that gives the underwriter the right to sell investors more shares than originally planned by the issuer. This would normally be done if the demand for a security issue proves higher than… …   Investment dictionary

  • Greenshoe Option — A means of stabilising a new issue. The manager of the issue takes a short position in the stock which is covered by an option on new shares to be issued by the company. If the share price after the issue rises above the exercise price of the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Reverse Greenshoe Option — A provision contained in an public offering underwriting agreement that gives the underwriter the right to sell the issuer shares at a later date. The reverse greenshoe option is used to support the price of a share in the event that after the… …   Investment dictionary

  • greenshoe — green‧shoe [ˈgriːnʆuː] noun [uncountable] FINANCE when a financial institution sells all the available shares in a company s share issue or secondary and then sells more, or the number of shares sold in this way; = OVERALLOTMENT: • The issue will …   Financial and business terms

  • greenshoe — option An option given by an issuer of securities to an underwriter entitling the latter to buy and sell extra shares in an issue if there is high public demand. The term derives from the first company to provide such an arrangement, the Green… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Greenshoe — A greenshoe (sometimes green shoe ), legally called an over allotment option (the only way it can be referred to in a prospectus), gives underwriters the right to sell additional shares in a registered securities offering at the offering price,… …   Wikipedia

  • Greenshoe-Element — Eine Greenshoe Option (auch Over allotment Option oder Mehrzuteilungsoption) ist eine Wertpapierreserve eines Emittenten, sprich einer Aktiengesellschaft, bei einem Börsengang im Rahmen eines Bookbuilding Verfahrens. Genauer handelt es sich um… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Greenshoe — Eine Greenshoe Option (auch Over allotment Option oder Mehrzuteilungsoption) ist eine Wertpapierreserve eines Emittenten (Aktiengesellschaft) bei einem Börsengang im Rahmen eines Bookbuilding Verfahrens. Genauer handelt es sich um eine Call… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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